About a dozen or so years ago my family was struggling to pay our electric bill because it was about five to six to $700 a month on average.
At about the same time I was fortunate enough to meet a young man who had developed a program called group rate electricity. Yusuf guaranteed that he could provide us with the lowest electrical rate anywhere in our area by joining his group so we did. The first month we were on his service our electric bill went from 500 a month give or take a few dollars to under $100 a month give or take a few dollars we were astonished how much we saved so we stuck with him and over the years his performance has been consistently exceptional.
To belong to group rate electricity there is a minimal membership fee that we pay once every 6 months and it is worth it worth it worth it I recommend this group to anyone who wants to save substantial money on their electricity bill.
We live in a 2500 ft home in an area of Dallas that is known for its historical value called Forest Hills. Even still in today’s economy our neighbors electric bill has been several hundred dollars a month.
We just received our new electric bill for the last 30 days and it was $91 and change.
Ladies and gentlemen if paying low electric bills is something you have an interest in you really need to check out this company Group Rate Electricity will save you a ton of money on your electricity service.
I wanted the beautiful things about this organization is that use of and his team handle everything to ensure you will continue receiving the lowest guarantee electrical rate in your area that’s possible. All I can say is thank you Yusuf you have saved our family thousands upon thousands of dollars and we very much appreciate it.