The city of Houston has the zipcodes 77002, 77021, 77040, 77059, 77078, 77098, 77384, 77479, 77547, 77003, 77022, 77041, 77060, 77079, 77099, 77385, 77484, 77571, 77004, 77023, 77042, 77061, 77080, 77204, 77386, 77489, 77573, 77005, 77024, 77043, 77062, 77081, 77325, 77388, 77492, 77574, 77006, 77025, 77044, 77063, 77082, 77336, 77389, 77493, 77578, 77007, 77026, 77045, 77064, 77083, 77338, 77396, 77494, 77581, 77008, 77027, 77046, 77065, 77084, 77339, 77401, 77497, 77584, 77009, 77028, 77047, 77066, 77085, 77345, 77406, 77498, 77586, 77010, 77029, 77048, 77067, 77086, 77346, 77407, 77502, 77587, 77011, 77030, 77049, 77068, 77087, 77354, 77429, 77503, 77588, 77012, 77031, 77050, 77069, 77088, 77357, 77433, 77504, 77598, 77013, 77032, 77051, 77070, 77089, 77365, 77447, 77505, 77014, 77033, 77052, 77071, 77090, 77373, 77449, 77506, 77015, 77034, 77053, 77072, 77091, 77375, 77450, 77507, 77016, 77035, 77054, 77073, 77092, 77377, 77459, 77520, 77017, 77036, 77055, 77074, 77093, 77379, 77469, 77530, 77018, 77037, 77056, 77075, 77094, 77380, 77472, 77532, 77019, 77038, 77057, 77076, 77095, 77381, 77477, 77536, 77020, 77039, 77058, 77077, 77096, 77382, 77478, and 77546
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