Start your business with Group Rate Electricity as an Energy Consultant and help Texans save 30% to 70% GUARANTEED on their electric bill. This is the easiest business to start and you can make money immediately because no license is required, everybody is already using electricity, everybody is paying too much for electricity, everybody wants to pay much less for electricity. We offer a generous Compensation Plan and if you hustle and work hard you can earn $100,000+ in the first year plus Residual.

We are looking for people with the following qualities:

1) Honest, professional, courteous, respectful.

2) Energetic fun loving people driven to succeed.

3) Ambitious people looking for a great opportunity.

4) Seasoned sales people looking for a better income.

5) Entrepreneurs looking for a new business opportunity.

Currently, there are 31 million people living in Texas and 17 million of them live in a deregulated electric service area which means they can choose the electric company for their homes and businesses. Out of the 17 million people there are at least 4.3 million homes and 1.8 million small businesses that can use Group Rate Electricity which makes this business opportunity massive. Everyday Texans are bombarded with 500+ complicated, confusing, tricky electric plans to choose from and people are confused, frustrated and they do not know how to choose which electric plan is right for them so most people end up choosing the wrong electric plan and overpay hundreds and thousands of dollars for electricity, see Facts.

What We Have To Offer

1) We have been in business for 13 years helping Texans save 30% to 70% GUARANTEED on their electric bill through smart management of their electric bill. To back up our saving guaranteed statement, check out our members’ before and after electric bills, see Proof

2) Group Rate Electricity used to be an accredited member with the Better Business Bureau for 8 years (3/27/2014 – 5/1/2022) with A+ Rating, 5/5 Star Reviews, ZERO Complaints. But on 5/1/2022 GRE cancelled the BBB membership after discovering BBB deleted hundreds of GRE 5-Star Reviews simply because they were 3+ years old. Per BBB Review Policy, all GRE Reviews that were 3+ years old were automatically deleted. That said, check out the Google Reviews and massive GRE Reviews.

3) We have the lowest electric rate year round, check out the 8-year Residential Historical Rates and look at the BIG difference between Group Rate and Retail Rate, see Compare.

4) We have a product and service that everyone cannot live without, paying too much and wants to pay much less.

Compensation Plan

1) Earn $100,000+ in the first year plus Residual.

2) Earn Residential Sale + Commercial Sale + Team Sale + Residual


4) Sales Quota: 10 sales/mth to remain ACTIVE.

5) Payday: Twice monthly (15th and Month End).

6) Pay Period: 1st-to-15th pays on Month End.

7) Pay Period: 16th-to-Month End pays on the following 15th.

8) Start-up Fee: $299 (Limited Time Offer – paid by first two sales).

9) Website Fee: One time $149 and $29/mth

RESIDENTIAL SALE . . . Membership Fee: $186 per 6-months

1) Personal Sale – pays $150 per sale.

2) Personal Sale Residual – pays $10 per sale at renewal.

3) Referral Sale – pays $100 per sale.

4) Referral Sale Residual – pays $10 per sale at renewal.

5) Team Sale – pays $20 per sale.

6) Team Sale Residual – pays $10 per sale at renewal.

COMMERCIAL SALE . . . Membership Fee: $517 per 12-months (Usage less than 100,000 kWh/yr)

1) Personal Sale – pays $350 per sale.

2) Personal Sale Residual – pays $50 per sale at renewal.

3) Referral Sale – pays $300 per sale.

4) Referral Sale Residual – pays $50 per sale at renewal.

5) Team Sale – pays $50 per sale.

6) Team Sale Residual – pays $50 per sale at renewal.

COMMERCIAL SALE . . . Membership Fee: Calculated based on Net Saving & Usage 100,000+ kWh/yr

1) Personal Sale – pays 70% of 20% Net Saving per sale.

For example: Let’s say a restaurant uses 400,000 kWh/yr, it’s on a contract and has $1,000 Cancellation Fee and GRE is able to lower the restaurant’s current Energy Charge through lower Energy Rate which results in a Gross Saving of $12,000/yr. The Net Saving is $11,000 (which is Gross Saving minus Cancellation Fee). The GRE Membership Fee is $2,200 (which is 20% of $11,000 Net Saving). The Agent Commission is $1,540 (which is 70% of $2,200 GRE Membership Fee).

2) Personal Sale Residual – pays $50 per sale at renewal.

3) Referral Sale – pays 70% of 20% Net Saving less $50 per sale.

4) Referral Sale Residual – pays $50 per sale at renewal.

5) Team Sale – pays $50 per sale.

6) Team Sale Residual – pays $50 per sale at renewal.

To start your business with Group Rate Electricity as an Energy Consultant fill out the form below and we will contact you. Be sure to include the Agent's Name/Phone in the message box.