We have been with Group Rate Electricity since July, 2013. The service we receive is exceptional. Not only are we saving $ each month but MOST importantly our quality of life has improved since we switched from TXU because we can keep our thermostat at a comfortable level. During July-August, we used to keep our thermostat around 80-85 AND our bills were $700-800+ (we were a customer of TXU for 10 years). Now with Group Rate, we keep our thermostat at a 70-75 during the same time period and our bills are closer to $350-455. We’re using more kilowatts AND our bill is lower. There is a bi-annual fee (2 x $150) for Group Rate but what we’re saving/comfort level outweighs the fee. By my calculations below, we’re saving approx. $1,000/year. Biggest savings are noticed during the summer months. Our air conditioners have never been replaced but we did invest in a KVAR energy controller (in August 2013) which was purchased through Group Rate at a discount. The company which provides the electricity changes periodically (we may be with one company for 6 months, then another company for 3 months) because the owner of the Group Rate does a great job of shopping around for the best kilowatt price and will change us if a better price becomes available. The owner also takes care of all our paperwork/changes and always notifies us promptly of any change. For those that would like specifics: Here’s a list of our kilowatts/$ from TXU v. Group Rate: TXU – Jan. 2013 1,940 kw $245 GROUP RATE – Jan. 2015 1,950 $137 TXU – Feb. 2013 1,230 kw $159 GROUP RATE – Feb. 2014 1,529 $134 TXU – March 2013 1,125 kw $144 GROUP RATE – March 2014 1,400 $121 TXU – April 2013 1,024 kw $131 GROUP RATE – April 2015 1,529 $69 TXU – May 2013 1,121 kw $143 GROUP RATE – May 2014 1,719 $147 TXU – June 2013 2,491 kw $304 GROUP RATE – June 2014 3,398 $286 TXU – July 2013 4,514 kw $839 GROUP RATE – July 2014 (lost bill info) $445 TXU – August 2012 4,628 kw $542 GROUP RATE – August 2013 4,781 $388 TXU – Sept. 2012 3,499 kw $431 GROUP RATE – Sept 2014 3,775 $259 TXU – October 2012 1,764 kw $223 GROUP RATE – Oct 2014 3,081 $214 TXU – Nov 2012 1,323 kw $170 GROUP RATE – Nov 2014 1,440 $103 TXU – Dec 2012 1,573 kw $200 GROUP RATE – Dec 2014 1,671 $118